It’s in our Nature
Nature’s Nectar ATTRACTS pollinators, like bees. This helps the flower to GROW and SPREAD its pollen through those bees. Our Neqtr ATTRACTS people that will GROW your network and will SPREAD your OPPORTUNITIES!
It’s in our Nature
The Digital Age

Bye Middle Man

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Neqtr is Free

The Digital Age

Bye Middle Man

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Neqtr is Free

Say No with Neqtr
I guess this is where we tell you why we are better...
No to Carrying Cards
The days of carrying a stack of business cards wherever you go are over!
No to NFC Cards
NFC Cards are cool, but why even carry 1 card, do it all from your phone!
No to Added Attachments
Added Phone attachments are annoying and just get in the way!

No to Extra Clutter
Office a mess because of business cards laying around? Let us clean it up!
No to Throwing Away Paper
If 88% of business cards go to the trash, you are just throwing away paper...
No to Wasting Money
Since 88% of business cards go to the trash, you are just wasting money!
Say No with Neqtr
I guess this is where we tell you why we are better...

No to Carrying Cards
The days of carrying a stack of business cards wherever you go are over!
No to Extra Clutter
Office a mess because of business cards laying around? Let us clean it up!
No to NFC Cards
NFC Cards are cool, but why even carry 1 card, do it all from your phone!
No to Added Attachments
Added Phone attachments are annoying and just get in the way!
No to Throwing Away Paper
If 88% of business cards go to the trash, you are just throwing away paper...
No to Wasting Money
Since 88% of business cards go to the trash, you are just wasting money!